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6 Best Property Maintenance Tips for Winter 2023

Property Maintenance Tips for Winter: Winter has started with a bang! Here is a list of the 6 best tips for Property Maintenance this winter season 2023.

February 22, 2023

Property Maintenance Tips for Winter

Property Maintenance Tips for Winter

Winter is here! 

Winter ushers in a season of festivities and celebrations. But it also brings certain challenges, especially if your property is in a Northern climate. The cold weather affects your buildings and grounds, from snow and ice to high winds. Property maintenance during winter needs to be done with special care so that you can avoid costly repairs, and property damage, improve tenant retention, and even increase demand for your rental units.

Many investors often wonder how to protect their real estate from the challenges of nature. Don’t worry!

We have compiled a few rental property maintenance tips. Read ahead to find out more.

6 Best Tips for Property Maintenance in Winters 2023

Don’t let your property turn into a winter wonderland: Manage ice and snow

Winter rental property maintenance starts by keeping your sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots clear of snow and ice. It is one of the most important things to do during winter. Otherwise, it can become a safety hazard for your tenants, and severe accidents might occur by slipping and falling. To avoid this kind of accident, make sure you have the plan to combat the snow and ice. Do not wait for the worst weather to hit and expose yourself to insurance liability. 

Some popular tips to remove snow and ice from your apartment’s common areas are:

  • Remove snow with either a snow blower or shovel away from walks, driveways, and parking areas every 2-3 inches accumulates.
  • Sprinkle some form of De-icer or sand on walkable areas to keep ice from forming. 
  • Hire a professional snow removal company if your location has consistent and frequent snowfall.

At Summerfield, we are mindful to keep your property in proper shape during challenging weather.

1. Inspect your Roof and Gutters

Your rental property maintenance plan should include regular inspections of your roof and gutters which are very susceptible to damage from harsh weather. Heavy snow and ice can damage or clog your gutters which can lead to water pooling on the roof leading to roof damage.

Your property maintenance plan should include regular inspections prior to the onset of winter so you can conduct preventive maintenance and when you do have severe weather inspect for the formation of ice dams, as this can severely damage them. 

2. Take Care of your HVAC System

Inspecting and examining your heating – and air- conditioning system before Winter is important. During winter, the HVAC system will work overtime, so it is essential to be sure it is in good working order. Maintenance tips for winter should include changing the filters and ensuring that there are no leaks or any other problems. These steps will help steer clear of any unexpectedly costly property maintenance and keep your tenants comfortable all winter. Advise your tenants to maintain a minimum temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent your pipes from freezing or possibly bursting due to low temperatures.

3. Reduce Energy Bills by Preventing Heat Loss

One thing that can concern tenants is rising energy costs. This can be prevented by ensuring all exterior entry doors and windows are properly sealed. This can be prevented by simple property inspection and quick fix property maintenance to seal any gaps. As per estimates, proper insulation can reduce energy bills by approximately 30% during winter. Here are some other popular home maintenance tips for winter you can engage to prevent heat loss:

If your apartments have any recessed lights, thoroughly inspect and insulate them.

Check basement units for any holes and gaps in the foundation, and if needed add expanding foam.

4. Look out for Weak Tree Branches

Due to the freezing temperature and high winds, weak tree branches may fall onto your property, causing serious damage and, even worse, injuring your tenants. To avoid this situation, trim the weak branches beforehand as a standard part of your property maintenance plan. Also, remove any branches that are near your roof or gutter system. Falling plant debris can cause major problems.

5. Keep Emergency Supplies

Another important property maintenance tip for winter is keeping a stash of emergency supplies like de-icer, flashlights, blankets, and even medicines. If you face a severe snowstorm, your supply store should be properly stocked. 

6. Reverse the Ceiling Fan

Now, you can be stunned by this property maintenance tip. In summer, the ceiling fan moves in an anti-clockwise direction to provide respite from the heat. But when you reverse the motors, which move the blades in a clockwise direction, it will allow the cold air to move upwards and push the warm air down, making the room feel warm and cozy.

Property Maintenance Tips for Winter: Conclusion

States that experience severe winters must take extra precautions to prevent severe weather damage. Just like humans need extra care, properties need it too. These are some of the top property maintenance tips for winter that can help you build the brand of your property keeping your tenants comfortable and happy. Property owners can partner with leading property management firms who will help take care of these types of eventualities and protect their investments.

We at Summerfield Property Management prioritize our client’s needs and goals to protect their property and maximize their return even when they face difficult weather conditions. Connect with us to learn more!

Tips for Property Maintenance in Winter: FAQs

Q. What are the best property maintenance tips for Winter?

A. Prepare a property maintenance action checklist for winter that includes chores like cleaning gutters, inspecting roofs, removing dead branches, sealing gaps in doorways and windows, and insulating the building.

Q. What are some challenging parts of property management?

A. Property management can be tricky if it is not executed properly. Some of the things that property managers must pay heed are time management, verifying tenants, having an efficient staff, property maintenance, and maintaining a lease expiration balance.

Q. What are some of your On-site Manager’s responsibilities?

A. If you are an on-site property manager, your duties would include managing on-site staff, collecting rent, overseeing property maintenance, and working toward adhering to a budget.