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Need More Leases Signed?

January 20, 2022

Need More Leases Signed? Summerfield Property Management's Lead Management systems for Multifamily housing

Need More Leases Signed?

By Marketing Team. For more information, contact Robert Parmar

Increase your number of leases signed by reducing response time to incoming leads. Summerfield uses Lead Management software to do that and more.

By implementing Lead Management software, leasing staff are able to manage leads arriving via multiple channels (such as property’s website, social media profiles, and internet listing services) via a centralized hub, decreasing response time and increasing the number of leads turned into leases. 


How does it help ?

Increased speed

The longer someone takes to respond to an inquiry, the lower the probability of signing a lease. Property management is a competitive industry, so if you want to sign more leases you need to respond quickly.  Using a centralized Lead Management dashboard provides leasing agents with prospect contact information so they can respond fast.

Better communication

Back and forth dialogue is available through a dashboard, whether the preferred form of communication is email, text message, instant message, or phone. Data is saved to the prospect’s profile so anyone on the leasing staff can quickly read communication logs or important notes (e.g., preferred move-in date, rent range, required bedrooms) and provide assistance accordingly. 

Greater agility

Centralized data also allows for team-wide coverage in case a vital leasing staff member is out of the office or unavailable (especially important in the current COVID-19 climate). This service also allows a portfolio manager to keep virtual eyes on their site staff to make sure their team is properly doing their job when it comes to lead management. 

Insight via reports

Besides speeding up communication and maintaining organized prospect data, another benefit provided by Lead Management software is the ability to generate custom reports on lead activity. While there are dozens of reports offered, below are three we recommend for increasing the number of leases signed:

  • Box Score – This report tracks where each lead originated from, the total number of follow up communications they had with leasing staff, if they toured the property, and if they signed a lease.
  • Ad Spend – This report focuses on paid advertising and calculates the cost-per-lead and cost-per-lease from each advertising source. This data highlights how successful marketing dollars are being used and if funds need to be reallocated.
  • Response Time – This report highlights how long it takes the leasing team to respond to a new lead, grouping each lead into different time intervals. The longer the response time, the lower the odds of closing a lease. We instruct our staff to respond to every lead within two hours. This policy has resulted in a measurable increase in percentages of leases signed.

Lead Management software is the key to effectively managing your leads so you can sign more leases. Curious how Summerfield can help with this and more? Contact us. 


Robert Parmar

Southeast Region







Trevor Manning

Northwest Region




Summerfield specializes in the management of apartment properties that are approximately 75 units or larger, and is licensed to manage in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina & South Carolina.

If you would like to discuss additional specifics of our management program, please reach out to our Managing Director, Robert Parmar at or call 770-628-5943.

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