The Secret to Motivating Staff Remotely

November 2, 2022

The Secret to Motivating Staff Remotely

By Operations Team. For more information, contact Robert Parmar

Face-to-face communication is an important element in keeping staff motivated, so it’s no surprise our Portfolio Managers use video conferencing to manage them daily.
What’s more important than the technology we use is how our PMs keep staff feeling engaged and connected to the goals of your asset. By leveraging communication, we keep your building’s performance high.

Educating Staff on how the energy they bring to the job influences their and the site’s success is critical

Summerfield trains staff to keep an eye on the big picture and spend their time where it will positively impact property performance versus falling into a habit of just putting out fires.

Staff is more productive when they are empowered to create a positive outcome for themselves and others. 

Instilling a solid understanding of how increased performance can lead to greater opportunity for the employee in the form of increased wages, job promotion, etc. is a big part of what our Portfolio Managers do to help On-site Staff develop the motivation to maximize property performance.

A motivated On-site Staff = better NOI for our Clients!

Are you ready to work with a Property Management company that does things differently? Get started by booking a call using our online scheduling.

Robert Parmar

Southeast Region







Trevor Manning

Northwest Region




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