IT – Real Page Business Intelligence

April 2, 2024

IT - Real Page Business Intelligence

By Operations Team. 

When interested parties such as banks, partners, or investors need information about your asset’s performance between reporting cycles, we’ve got you covered. 

Summerfield uses Real Page Business Intelligence, to provide accurate, real-time information for key metrics, on-demand. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 

  1. Physical Occupancy 
  2. Economic Occupancy 
  3. Move In Activity  
  4. Lease Expiration: 30, 60, or 90 days look ahead 
  5. Trade Out Rates 
  6. Trade Out–Renewals 
  7. Etc. 

Operational Indicators 

  1. Leasing Velocity 
  2. Leads by Ad Source 
  3. Traffic Conversion 
  4. Availability by Bedroom 
  5. Make Ready Status 
  6. Lease Expiration Forecast 
  7. Revenue MTD 
  8. Revenue YTD 
  9. Expense MTD 
  10. Expense YTD 
  11. NOI 
  12. NOI Performance YTD 

KPIs, along with operational indicators, based on real time data that is less than 24 hours old, in the form of easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and tables helps us ensure your investment is healthy and if not it gives us the information to act to optimize returns. This is much better than getting a monthly financial three weeks in arrears when nothing can be done to make such difference. 

On-demand access to critical data is just another way Summerfield offers a better Property Management experience. 

We would appreciate the opportunity to get acquainted. To get the ball rolling please book a call.  

Robert Parmar

Southeast Region







Trevor Manning

Northwest Region




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