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Boost Your Bottom Line with Cloud-based Applications

February 17, 2022

Boost your Bottom Line by IntegratingExploring Cloud-Based Applications


By IT Team. For more information, contact Robert Parmar


Have you heard the phrase more money, more problems?

Larger apartment communities have the potential to generate big bucks in rent, but they also generate an enormous volume of data. In order to prevent lost revenue, that data needs to be expertly managed and secured.


Our strategy?

We took it to the cloud. Cloud-based applications and platforms can optimize your property’s performance in many areas. Today, we’ll share two that will benefit your bottom line.

  1. Securing your data
  2. Preventing communication breakdown


Securing Your Data

Dropbox Business. Summerfield uses Dropbox Business to provide simplified and secure data management. Dropbox’s search tools make it easy to track down documents with a few clicks and controlled access reduces the worry of misfiled or lost documents.

LastPass Enterprise. LastPass secures your data by remembering and retaining log-in credentials, so you no longer need worry about losing access to your online vendor accounts during staff turnover. Passwords within LastPass are maintained by an administrator, and an employee’s access can be granted or revoked remotely at any time.


Preventing Communication Breakdown

Microsoft Office 365. One of our Best Practices is to establish a central email address for each building. We have all important notices and invoices sent to it where multiple staff monitor. This prevents important notices going amiss and reduces the risk of incurring unnecessary late fees on invoices.

Zoom. Zoom makes meeting staff, supporting daily operations, and providing training for new and existing employees easy from anywhere. Employee engagement and accountability have proven to increase with face-to-face interaction.

Securing your data and preventing communication breakdown are just two strategies Summerfield Property Management uses to boost your bottom line. Contact us to learn more about how best-in-class services like these can optimize your property’s performance.


Robert Parmar

Southeast Region







Trevor Manning

Northwest Region




Summerfield specializes in the management of apartment properties that are approximately 75 units or larger, and is licensed to manage in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina & South Carolina.

If you would like to discuss additional specifics of our management program, please reach out to our Managing Director, Robert Parmar at or call 770-628-5943.

Join the conversation. Follow us on social media.
